Support the fight against breast cancer your way

Let your heart speak!

We can use all the help we can get in the fight against breast cancer. Helping can take the form of donations, but there are plenty of other ways you can express your support.

Are you affected by breast cancer yourself or do you know someone who has (had) breast cancer, and would you like to do something against the disease? You can easily do so by setting up your own action page. This way, you can raise money for Pink Ribbon's projects.

Let your heart speak in the fight against breast cancer! Set up your own action page and help Pink Ribbon. Large or small-scale, alone or with others, your initiative makes a difference. Unleash your creativity and organise an action with friends, family, colleagues or neighbours. 

Support a ribbon!

Pink Ribbon asked (former) breast cancer patients and those around them to design a ribbon with which they could honor caregivers. Show your support and sponsor the ribbon that appeals to you the most.

The 10th edition of The Pink Walk

Motivate your friends, family or colleagues and try to move more daily throughout October in the fight against breast cancer. New this edition is the competition between the 10 provinces and Brussels in Belgium. Sign up quickly and put the other provinces offside.

DIY initiative

Let your creativity flow and roll up your sleeves. You can bake cookies, make key chains, knit scarves, organise an exhibition or have a garage sale. Be inspired by numerous examples.

1 in 9 women get breast cancer

A disease with breathtaking figures

100,000 courageous women are currently fighting breast cancer in Belgium. About 10,500 patients get diagnosed every year in this country. That means 29 new diagnoses a day. 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer over the course of a lifetime. This makes breast cancer the most common form of cancer in both younger and older women.

Do your bit

To help these women, non-profit organisation Pink Ribbon has launched several projects to improve the medical treatment of breast cancer and increase the quality of life of breast cancer patients. Become a donor to support these projects.

So how we will use your donation
or event in our fight against breast cancer?

It means a lot to Pink Ribbon that people want to join our fight against breast cancer. We use the money collected from the donations and events for various specific projects.

  • For example, we support Belgian drop-in centres that offer professional support to cancer patients during and after treatment.
  • Our “Geknipt voor haar”/“Coupe de coeur” initiative offers financial help for the purchase of a wig and funds scalp cooling systems for Belgian hospitals to limit hair loss.
  • We train walking coaches who help patients and other breast buddies get enough exercise.
  • The Mammoquiz aims to inform both men and women about breasts, breast cancer and the 9 warning signs of the disease.
  • We support various studies by the Belgian Cancer Registry to improve the quality of (cancer) care in this country.
  • The Family Hope project lets young women know how they can have children when living with breast cancer.
  • Our annual magazine provides information and raises awareness, and patients can find each other on our website and social media.

So many more great projects are waiting for your support.

If you are organising a certain event, dedicating your special day or joining The Pink Walk, share photos of your initiative on your social media with the hashtag #PinkRibbonBE and who knows, they might appear on our feed too!


Keep me posted on all these worthwhile initiatives.

Rest assured, we will not bombard you with newsletters. But we will keep you informed on the latest initiatives and the best events by Pink Ribbon to show you what your support is achieving.

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