Are you looking for an extra challenge?
Then try our walking bingo during one of your walks! Your aim will be to spot as many items on the list as possible in the area where you are walking, if you can tick off five items in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally), you shout BINGO. The game enhances your awareness of the environment and, of course, encourages you to walk more to complete your bingo card. You can either go out on your own or play it with your team members.
Bingo adventure with your team
If you are going on a bingo adventure with your team members, you can of course add a nice prize or extra tasks. We have given a number of ideas below, but feel free to add to them yourself.
1 x bingo:
You are the leader of the team for the next 5 minutes and determine the further route to be followed.
2 x bingo:
Have your team members each portray an animal that is in your area. You get bonus points for each animal you guess correctly.
3 x bingo:
Who doesn't like to receive flowers? Give your team members the task of picking you a nice bouquet. Are there no flowers to be found in the area? Then let your creativity run wild! Bonus points for the most beautiful or creative bouquet.
4 x bingo:
Is your backpack or handbag getting a bit heavy after all that walking? Then let your team members take these items off your hands for the next 10 minutes. Bonus points for whoever carries you on their back until the next kilometre stop.
5 x bingo:
Have your group members close their eyes and count to 25. In the meantime, you hide somewhere in the area and take a selfie which you send to your team members. Based on this photo, they will look for your location. The person who finds you first gets a bonus point, just like you.
Complete bingo card:
If you are the first to spot and tick off all the items on the bingo, then you are the big winner! That deserves a treat from your teammates. Maybe there is a nice cafe nearby or a tasty ice cream shop. Congratulations and enjoy your treat! 😉