Do you already know our Pinky Pioneers?
Together with Wandelsport Vlaanderen npo, Pink Ribbon has prepared a number of (ex-) breast cancer patients, volunteers and sympathisers to become fantastic walking coaches. Our coaches, also called Pinky Pioneers, are spread all over Flanders and regularly meet up with their group to go for a walk. Some work with a fixed day in the week, others prefer to organise a meeting spontaneously.
Would you like to join the hiking group of a Pinky Pioneer? To become a member, you pay €18 annually. €3 of this goes directly to charity, the remainder goes to Wandelsport Vlaanderen to insure you. In addition, you will receive their magazine ‘Walking’ four times a year.
Are you interested in joining? Then contact the walking coach in your area or send an email to Pink Ribbon and we will find out for you.
Discover our Pink Ribbon
walking coaches and groups
Please note - the website linked above is only available in Dutch, not in French or English.